Corruption is the Problem. Commitment is the Solution.This is a big thank you and congratulations to all the volunteers who showed up to join GRASSROOTS PATRIOTS in our canvassing, petition gathering, visibility, and feet-on-street actions the past year. With your help, we knocked on thousands of doors. We talked about electing candidates who care, about caring for the government we love, and being the best stewards of Democracy that money can't buy. No Time for Meetings.We did meet this last year, but where we met was on the streets, beginning our door-knocking, sign-waving, hand-shaking, Democratic actions. We elected exactly the government we deserve, and the harder we work on campaigning, the better the governing keeps getting. Just think, when we have a progressive Democratic President, a Congress, and State Legislature, what we can do. Health care reform. Balanced budget. Strong and wise foreign policy. Public education that is really public. These feet are meant for walking. And we don't wait. Friends of: GRASSROOTS PATRIOTS supports volunteers by providing the tools to help get out the Democratic vote, organize communities, and teach campaign practices. For lists of campaigns and calendar of Democratic events, please visit the affiliate BlueBroward.org |
Other Information:GRASSROOTS PATRIOTS formed March, 2005, as a political committee (PAC) that supports issues and candidates, and is listed on file with the Florida Department of State, Division of Elections, and operating within the requirements of Section 106.03, Florida Statutes. We support multiple Democratic candidates with training, issues forums, and get-out-the-vote efforts in your neighborhood. Our political actions and Feet-on-the-Street are sustained by your commitment of time and money. Your generous financial contribution will also help keep volunteers on the streets, provide training, purchase supplies, and support candidates and issues. GRASSROOTS PATRIOTS can accept up to $500.00 per person or corporation. Please make checks payable to GRASSROOTS PATRIOTS, 4611 S. University Drive #241, Davie, FLĀ 33328. The elections of 2012 are almost upon us. There is no time to waste. We must be mobile, responsive, and campaigning in our neighborhoods now. Any questions, contact us at 954-579-3932. Thank you! Further information is available from the Chair, Phil Busey, by writing to philip@busey.org
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